Our Vision

Our vision is to deliver a new and thriving landscape-led development.

Future proposals could provide a variety of homes amidst an abundance of informal recreation and relaxation areas as well as places for play.

Nature First

Biodiversity and green infrastructure are a fundamental part of planning for the future. The green spaces at Mount Pleasant Golf Course could be multi-functional, providing opportunities for play, recreation, movement, drainage, food growing and wildlife. We anticipate that over half of the site could create publicly accessible green space with new footpaths and links to Lower Stondon, new habitat creation and tree planting.

Live Well

Our vision is to explore the possibility of providing a place with a variety of homes and spaces to play and meet others, with a focus on health and wellbeing.

Our vision is to:

  • Provide a range of high quality homes to meet housing need including affordable and discount market homes
  • Provide Lower Stondon with a central area of publicly accessible open space on land that is currently privately owned and connects existing residential areas to the east and west.
  • Include recreation facilities throughout the site, by creating play spaces, footpaths, cycleways, trim trails and green infrastructure to encourage active lifestyles which in turn build social cohesion and improve both mental and physical health
  • Provide the community facilities needed in Lower Stondon as identified by residents in this consultation

Vibrant Local Economy

The development could provide a range of community facilities, which might include a community home-working hub and café, a new primary school and/or early-years nursery or a new village hall.

The local economy could be enhanced by:

  • Providing new community facilities
  • New custom for existing local businesses
  • Revenue for Central Bedfordshire Council
  • The creation of construction industry jobs
  • Developer contributions to local infrastructure projects

Low Carbon

At Bloor Homes we believe in building a low-carbon society to tackle climate change. Our vision for the development complements Central Bedfordshire Council’s Sustainability Plan to become carbon-neutral by 2030.

  • Low-carbon construction
  • Buildings with very high energy efficiency
  • Enhanced tree planting to increase on-site carbon reduction
  • Rainwater harvesting and grey-water recycling
  • Sustainable drainage design
  • EV charging points for all homes